By Anissa Walker

Core values shape your identity whether you are an individual or a business. Core values facilitate making tough choices, they can enhance your performance and help you to identify your tribe.
Doubtless when you started your business you had a vision in mind influenced by your own personal core values. Few people take the time to discover their core values and write them down but it is a worthwhile endeavor.
A simple Google search reveals that the most successful businesses have clearly stated core values. Here is an example, these are Amazon’s core values:
§ Customer Obsession
§ Ownership
§ Invent and Simplify
§ Are Right, A Lot
§ Hire and Develop the Best
§ Insist on the Highest Standards
§ Think Big
§ Bias for Action
§ Frugality
§ Vocally Self Critical
§ Earn Trust of Others
§ Dive Deep
§ Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit
§ Deliver Results
If you do have your business’ core values clearly defined, great! Does everyone else know what they are? Everyone involved in your business should know what your core values are. Your staff should know what the company values are because when they were hired they were introduced to those values and in their own way fit into them. When staff fulfill their roles in your company they are meeting those values, or they should be. Finally, even your business partners and clients should be aware of what your company values are, they will shine through in how you do business.
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second-best time to plant a tree is now. If you already have your business’ core values written down, fantastic! Why not take the time to review them and ask yourself are you moving towards your values? What activities aid you in moving your company towards your values? What activities, if any, move you away from your values and how can that be adjusted.
If you haven’t already written down your business’ core values why not do so now? Then at the next opportunity discuss them with your staff. Get feedback from them about how they see the company’s values in action day to day and, if needed, how things can be improved upon.
If you need help understanding core values, writing your own, or implementing them into your business you can always reach out to [The Consulting Company], we are here to guide you and help you grow your business to match your vision.
Anissa Walker is a lifestyle blogger and freelance writer by night and the chief operations officer of the Walker family 24/7/365. She is the wife of attorney Travis Walkerand Mom to two amazing children. She graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor’s degree in History and a minor in English. Anissa has experience in writing, research, education, customer service and sales. Anissa cut her teeth in management at Barnes and Noble before taking on the role as household COO. Anissa’s passions include her faith, traveling, writing, education and fitness. Learn more about her at her website